wah i din noe flaming can make me lost fats sia. so shiok.
Originally posted by Miss Tiny:wah i din noe flaming can make me lost fats sia. so shiok.
flame the hearbroken guy hor?
lol i todae also damn shiok sia
laugh my ass laugh at that thread
Hahah. Really loser sia.
that heartbroken guy who thinks he's born handsome.. wahahahahaha.
hahahha now that thread is locked
now the thread kena close liao. flaming session end.
yeah no more entertainment liao
Anyway, he is the worse loser i see, in my 25 yrs of living in this planet sia.
maybe he will create a new thread soon.
i am very eager for it
cfm.waste people time nia.
Im not eager.
sian liao.
Hahahah. waste time, i rather tmm with my ai ai.
actually i must thanks him for giving me so much entertainment le
Yeaap. Wah, i even dedicate a thread to him.
Originally posted by seotiblizzard:Yeaap. Wah, i even dedicate a thread to him.
Boss dont like, so its gone.
i deleted that thread liao. paisei ah. dun wan spoil my forum with his loserish thread.
sian leh,he not here liao then no one to flame.now is totally bored la.
go chitchat other things la
Haix. Forum got alot of this kind of losers.
Like cockroaches, they wont just die.
go and play the game i've created.
HAHA the 3 letter game?
delete liao. nobody's following the rules.
wher got?? i follow hor
ps a hot bath makes my day
I agree. Hot bathe on a cold day.
Waaah so warm and snuggly.
Feel like cuddling someone.