Anyone knows how to flatten stomach?
But no gym advise please..
I do like swimming, jogging, and some "ups" like: push up, sit up.. though pull up really hard to do..
Waiting forward for you all comment.. :)
Thanx.. :)
biceps are made in the gym.. sixpack abs are made in the kitchen...
Eat less, exercise more.
Do Pilates.
swimming jogging crunches
@The Bear: in the kitchen> How?
@fudgester: do pilates? how?
@acid: hmmmm ======>
@Firelce: does jogging help?
Basically what you need to do is to do cardio. This can be swimming, jogging etc. But you also need to watch what you eat. Energy expenditure > energy intake.
u need cardio first before any point workout (target specific area)
or else it is not useful
@ShadowKnight: cardio? so i must go to gym for that rite?
@Firelce: or cardio can be used at home?
Excercise doesnt mean you need to go to the gym you know. You could do sports like soccer or cycling. Those are good cardio workouts.
play dance central 3 for 1hr non-stop can be considered cardio
or u can try zumba
plenty of vids in youtube for u to just follow
@ShadowKnight: Wow.. Cycling nice... :) i Like it too... :) is that has different function comparing with jogging?
@Firelce: Hmmmm, I wish i could have time to play that. :)
if u do not wish to spend time, then dont expect to get any results
those slimming wear or fat burning creams are bull
I'll try to spend time then...
slimming wear or cream? arrgghh, never believe in those too.. :)
Please dont be sucked by those quick slim schemes, creams and beams. THEY DON'T WORK.
Its all about reducing your carbs and calories if u want to "lose weight". Cardio increases the weight loss, even gaining muscle will make u lose weight, as those flabs... gets turned into muscles. Abs, muscles and being tone comes with sweat, pain and discipline.
Or u can do 500 situps a day for starters. U have to work out the area where u want to lose weight. Eg... doing bicep curls wont make your thighs big.
500 situps a day for STARTERS?
okay then... whewww... I'll do it...
but if it is pain? should I continue? @@
dont jump straight to the impossible
start small
like 5 sets of 20 (30-second breaks in between) a day
when u are getting better then increase to 5 x 30 and so on
u shd oni feel pain the next day (and the next next day), which is good, means u relli worked the muscles
resume when the pain has gone away
great advise from u all.. :)
5 x 20 much better I think..
more question:
how many kinds of push ups are there?
front clap back clap
(your truly not responsible if u are disfigured)
how to do that?
I was half expecting ppl to say from B push up to C...
Ah badz dun do push ups... He pushed the world down...
I'm going to give some advice that will contradict what's been said here:
- Forget cardio. Get some high-intensity workouts like interval and circuit training. When you have to sprint during a football game, run like mad. Do this after 3 in the afternoon, not in the morning.
- Eat enough to ensure that you have energy for your exercise and workouts. Throw out the soft drinks, the ice-cream, any chocolate with less than 70% cocoa, sweets, crisps and fries, fast food, deep or stir-fried food, and minimise the bread, white rice and noodles.- anything that's sugary, processed, dripping with vegetable oils or stacked with refined carbs.
- Go to the monkey bars in your neighbourhood and do leg lifts and chin-ups. Tuck in your legs as you go up. Can't do anymore, just jump and lower yourself slowly.
- Do those push-ups at home, and keep your torso straight at all times. Wanna make it harder? Suck in your stomach and do the same.
- Front squats with heavy boxes, but make sure you keep your back straight at all times or you're going to get hurt.
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:Ah badz dun do push ups... He pushed the world down...
lol... I will get a round-house kick in the face from you-know-who.