Pillow saw it big, after going for a meeting conference with stooky, CTX, Forum_dude and many other famous people in some ulu ulu coffeshop in LCK. We decided to invest 20millionSGF(sgforums dollars).
Instead of just Teaching design related softwares, we have collaborated with IT and tech support forum[without permission] to teach others how to use a software to its capabilities. We would be inviting sgDesigns Moderators for a speech on how to design and teach us a trick or two.
I'm sure with CTX, Stooky, Forum_dude, and other similar people, this is gonna be the best forum in SINGAPORE!

u can see how nice it is for the good moderation here

Nevetheless, i'm sure 20million SGfdollars would be enough to invest on softwares. We will try to teach as many softwares as we could if we can learn them before the trial periods end, and if they end...ahem ahem...yea...we will strice for the best