Originally posted by Tiggerific:
Dear All,
I had a discussion with some of my friends the other day, and some questions we discussed without any conclusion were:
Is there a sandard way for the 'mandi hadas besar' or 'mandi junub'? because it seems like different people do it differently. I'm just asking; since we have a standard way of taking the ablution, i just wanted to know if there was a similar standard way of 'mandi hadas besar'.
The sunnah of the Prophet saw. is to (firstly the intention (niat) to perform the `mandi janabah' must be made) wash the private parts thoroughly, then make wudhu (ablution), then wash the rest of the body, begining with the right side, then the left, make sure our whole body is in contact with water.
If we read an English Version of the Al-Quran, would it still be good enough? Although it probably is best to read it in its original language [arabic], but then God, being All-Knowing, is definitely going to know what we intend to do right? SO is it still considered a good thing done?the english version of the Quran, is not the Quran, because the Quran does not translate into any language. The Quran is only the Quran when it is recited in the
original arabic language. there are many english translations of the Quran, but there's only ONE arabic version. and that's the one we should learn how to recite. because the Prophet saw. said that if u recite the Quran, for each letter, the reward is multiplied by 10 (i don;t have the hadith with me right now, i can present it if u want.)
In the event that we come into contact with anything 'najis' like pig's skin or dog's saliva, is there one standard way of washing up? there's a hadith regarding this that ppl called hadith `sertu'. that when a dog licks or drinks from your food container, the Prophet told us to throw away the food or drink, and then wash the container 7 times where one of those times tha water is mixed with earth (or mud).
but with the case of touching pigs or pig skin, i don;t know. but i do know that scholars tend to `kias' these two elements (dogs and pigs) together.
but if anyone has a better or more acurate answer than mine please present it so that we can all learn on how to go about these issues. Allah knows best.