[04:05:25 PM] Jacqueline: yeah yeah very good freind
[04:05:32 PM] Jacqueline: easy going guy
[04:05:34 PM] - "//EMPRESS : r u les or str8
[04:05:36 PM] Jacqueline: his bf also nice
[04:05:40 PM] Jacqueline: i am bi
[04:05:49 PM] Jacqueline: u?
[04:06:16 PM] - "//EMPRESS : bi
[04:06:36 PM] Jacqueline: oh cool
[04:07:03 PM] Jacqueline:

[04:07:12 PM] - "//EMPRESS : ur friend only gib massage to female sah
[04:07:17 PM] - "//EMPRESS : *females ah
[04:07:39 PM] Jacqueline: well so far only one male i introduced to
[04:07:45 PM] Jacqueline: yeah
[04:07:48 PM] - "//EMPRESS : handsome?
[04:07:48 PM] - "//EMPRESS : LOL
[04:07:56 PM] Jacqueline: who?
[04:07:57 PM] Jacqueline: lol
[04:07:59 PM] - "//EMPRESS : both
[04:08:00 PM] - "//EMPRESS : LOL
[04:08:10 PM] Jacqueline: haaaa
[04:08:18 PM] Jacqueline: whyu only handsome u go huh
[04:08:18 PM] Jacqueline: lol
[04:08:31 PM] - "//EMPRESS : YA LOH
[04:08:39 PM] Jacqueline: haaaa
[04:08:53 PM] Jacqueline: ok ok i better dun intro to u
[04:08:55 PM] Jacqueline: heeee
[04:09:17 PM] - "//EMPRESS : why leh
[04:09:21 PM] - "//EMPRESS : very very ugly ah
[04:09:22 PM] - "//EMPRESS : LOL
[04:09:34 PM] Jacqueline: lol
[04:09:38 PM] Jacqueline: u want to see his pic?
[04:09:49 PM] Jacqueline: it may not be ur cup of tea
[04:09:51 PM] Jacqueline: heee
[04:09:56 PM] - "//EMPRESS : ok
[04:09:57 PM] - "//EMPRESS : pic
[04:10:59 PM] You have successfully received D:\Received
files.D\Gerard.jpg from Jacqueline.
[04:13:08 PM] Jacqueline: did u see?
[04:13:14 PM] - "//EMPRESS : yeah
[04:13:18 PM] - "//EMPRESS : looks old
[04:13:30 PM] Jacqueline: haaaa
[04:13:32 PM] Jacqueline: he is 25
[04:13:34 PM] Jacqueline: nolah
[04:13:41 PM] - "//EMPRESS : looks very ti ko
[04:13:57 PM] Jacqueline: haaaaaa
[04:14:06 PM] Jacqueline: u so bad
[04:14:10 PM] - "//EMPRESS :

[04:15:52 PM] Jacqueline: not keen?
[04:16:00 PM] - "//EMPRESS : not really lah
[04:16:00 PM] - "//EMPRESS :

[04:16:14 PM] Jacqueline: oh k
[04:16:15 PM] Jacqueline: