Different colors
A green cauliflower, in the B. oleracea Botrytis group, called Romanesco has been commercially available in Europe since about 1990. Its head is a nice example of a fractal image in nature, repeating itself in self-similarity at varying scales.[1] An orange cauliflower (B. oleracea L. var. botrytis) called Orange Bouquet is available in North America, sporting 25 times the level of Vitamin A than white varieties. This variety is a hybrid of a swamp-growing mutant found in Canada and a standard white cauliflower. Another orange cultivar goes by the name 'Cheddar'. Purple cauliflower also exists, originating in Southern Italy. The purple colour is caused by the presence of the antioxidant group anthocyanin, which can also be found in red cabbage and red wine.
Originally posted by MooKu:
but why?Originally posted by ndmmxiaomayi:Freak, that destroyed my love for cauliflowers.![]()
I'm very picky and reject food that isn't of some colours.Originally posted by MooKu:but why?
cabbage also got purple variety mah
sweet potato there's orange and yellow fleshed
potatoes there's blue and red
corn also got purple and yellow
even bananas there are red and yellow
apples also
Hi 5!Originally posted by the Bear:it looks evil
Originally posted by MooKu:Yeh really!
But there is also a variety - a cross b/w cauliflower and broccoli - called broccoflower.
I don't know how to distinguish between broccoflower and green cauli.
Too green for a wedding.Originally posted by the_don:they look pretty enough for decoration.... maybe i should use them instead of roses for the wedding![]()
Originally posted by rainee:i love cauliflowers, but this one looks like some kinda diseases![]()