Originally posted by rainee:If you get the referral letter from the polyclinics then wun be so exp...but got long waiting line...I waited to get mine done since around June...actually I could do it in October la but that time I was too busy so I postponed it to November...
Mine two teeth (one impacted to be removed by surgery and one normal removed by extraction) costed around 500, all paid by Medisave...
oh..braces lehz?they do as well?
u had to go sgh to do or something?
Originally posted by alfagal:
oh..braces lehz?they do as well?u had to go sgh to do or something?
Not sure about braces, think they can do also ba...
I went to Alexandra Hospital...most people went to National Dental care though so the waiting line there could be longer...
Originally posted by rainee:First few hours I couldn't feel what was happening with the left part of my face as well...and my lower lips completely couldn't move...so when I tried to smile it looked lop-sided...quite scary actually >.<
That's because they did a nerve block. It's a good sign when your face is numb, cos' you know the injection worked..Good excuse to eat ice cream :)
Got my wisdom teeth removed at national dental center by a doctor named Danny Tan. Think he's pretty good cause I recovered and was able to eat normal food within 3days of surgery. No complications or anything.
Wisdom tooth wound has healed beautifully...I have been eating like normal again! :D
just extracted 2 wisdom tooth on the left! first one took 1.5 hours!!!! 2nd one took only 5 mins....
Originally posted by hmsg:just extracted 2 wisdom tooth on the left! first one took 1.5 hours!!!! 2nd one took only 5 mins....
wa how come first one took so long?
Originally posted by rainee:wa how come first one took so long?
came out as 5 pieces... the root was not straight but crooked.... funny thing that I am experiencing more pain in the one that came out in 5 mins!!! at least the swelling is almost done after 4 days...
Originally posted by hmsg:just extracted 2 wisdom tooth on the left! first one took 1.5 hours!!!! 2nd one took only 5 mins....
v long..omg...
think i wld have wanting to give up..dun extract already..
maybe...i will go do my teeth..when i'm v tired from work..haha afterall is 7 dyas mc..
Originally posted by alfagal:maybe...i will go do my teeth..when i'm v tired from work..haha afterall is 7 dyas mc..
>7 days MC. i gotch 12 days .hehe. i go pester doc gimme more mc.haha.
Originally posted by Chelzea:>7 days MC. i gotch 12 days .hehe. i go pester doc gimme more mc.haha.
wa..hah li hai
Originally posted by alfagal:
wa..hah li hai
he extract until beri pain lah mus be his skill sux .hurt for 1 week lo....
Originally posted by Chelzea:he extract until beri pain lah
mus be his skill sux .hurt for 1 week lo....
i oso think his skill sucks lor...mine doesn't even hurt...by fourth day i can eat quite ok le...