Originally posted by progene:
........................All along, I noe tis wld happen, is a matter of time. It's been a long time since we met, go out.
As e days goes by, my fear increase......fear of one day, it would came..........finally, dat day has arrive. But still I could nt take it.
It came true as wad I had predicted, nutting more, nutting less. But still, its too fresh, too raw, too new, too sudden.
To able to predict it is one matter, to face happening it is another matter. Althought the END result is e same, sorrows and sadness still fall upon..........
No matter Hw hard I try to change e outcome, I'm still unable to do it, mayb dat's life.........
Endless sms, endless call....to a place where where I thought I could call home, where I thought is where I belong, so familiar, so used to it.......yet signs were telling me otherwise......is more den wad it seems to be.......
Hidden beneath e surface, beyond wad one's mind could imagine.....e devil is workin at it....tings start 2 fall apart...too fast...too sudden for you to imagine.....
If 1 were to choose again, I will nt regret it....hopefully e end result would be different from nw, If I could turn back time, I will treasure every moment, take every possbile opportunites just to be close to her, to be with her, to be by her side, walk hand in hand....overcome n solve problems 2gether as we walk on.......
Unfortunately, I 'm nt God, I can't change e Past, I can't live life 1 more time, only 1 life one time! When it's over, it's over! No matter hw hard u try, hw hard u salvage.......its over......This is Nw...Tis is e present....
Sometime u can't control everything, it's beyond human control, when things happen, they happen 4 a reason, but still....its human emotion, feelings r involve, when it came to matters of e heart, lettin go was never easy and never will be....
At e end of tis episode, I'm still me, still e one whom I 'm known to....but is it still e same? It ist still me?
Internally and externally, wad impact have it does it have after e episode? Wad damage have it caused?
Well, I may have grown over e yrs, from a little child to a young biy, to where I am now. E older I became, e more fragile I felt when it came to dat matter....mayb I tink too much, mayb I make tings complicated...mayb I hav too much faith, too much confidence, feel too lax.....
When thgs go wrong, who can u blame? nobdy is a fault, nobdy is right, nobdy is wrong, fate did not bring u 2 2gather....mayb, dat is ur destiny....
hMz.......although i dunno what tok u.........but must be related to char bor one de bah????
Long time no meet also liaoz.........will be busy this week becoz my exam's drawing near liaoz.......maybe next week we come out la kopi and maybe you can tell me more....