There was a boy who liked a girl & his
name was Dave... She liked him too...but one day
she was walking to class and she heard someone
call her when she turned around Dave was there...
"Hey wait up!" he called.
She waited for a few seconds and let him catch
up then once he did she started walking again.
"Yes,you need something?" she said
"Yea...a favour."he said.
"Sure what is it?"she asked.
"Go out with me." he said with a gleam in his eyes.
"ok...sure."she said secretly jumping with joy in
her mind.
He walked her to class and kissed her good bye...
then the late bell rang and he sprung down the hall
to get to class. He walked her to class every day
and kiss her every day and he was with her every
chance he got. Then days turned into weeks and
weeks turned into months and months turned into
a year and he still ran to catch up with her, tat was
the day of their one year anniversary and he
walked her to class gave her a box and a
kiss...then he whispered into her ear..."I love you."
then he left.
She opened the gift and it was a ring...a gorgeous
ring. That night they were out at dinner to celebrate
and all he surprised her...AGAIN...
" know how I said that I loved
you?"he asked
"yea?" She got really nervous....
"I really do, you know I love you."
She didnt say any thing and she knew he wanted
her to say it but she didnt want to seem stupid so
she stuffed food in her mouth and he didnt say
anything but she could tell he was disappointed.
They have finish eating and he was driving her
home at the red light he turned and looked at her...
"Why wont you say you love me? dont you love
me like I love you?" he asked, She didnt know how
to say that she loved him more than She could cud
ever imagine, but She just didnt know how or
when to say it...
BOOM!!!!!!!!!! a semi had hit the driver side and
ramed them right into a lake.The next day She
in the hospital and all she could think about was if
Dave was she got out of her bed and
searched for him...but when she found him he
barly alive...seeing the one she loved near death
made her drop to her knees and cry...
"Dave I love you...I've loved you since the first day
we meant I love you soooo much dont you leave
me please dont leave me I need you here...I LOVE
With his very last breath he said...
"Hey...I love you too." then he was gone. A week
later she was able to go home but she wasnt
to face school yet and her mom understood. She
went up to her room and she found a note inside
the ring box....
Hey,I hope you like this ring. It was my grandma's
she told me to give it to the one I love and well i
love you.No matter what happens to me I will
always love you. If I died today I want to die
knowing you love me...I wont leave this earth
without knowing you love me. Ashley your always
my heart forever until the day i die.
I love you now...I will love you forever.
>>>>You want him back but... (I guess everything is just too late)
Always make ur feelings be known to your love ones...don't hide them...