Random Gunpla facts & figures
Nikkei Business Online has been posting a series of discussions with Bandai Hobby Division's Deputy General Manager & Bandai Hobby Center chief Katsuhiko Sasaki. The second one focuses on his work as a manager and the people who support the Gunpla market.
- Development of a plamodel takes 120-150 days from design to shipping out. They plan on optimizing this to 100 days.
- The plamodel market exceeds 50 billion yen in value.
- Said market is such that even 10-year-old products can be manufactured and sold with repeated demand. The ratio of sales for new products vs. old products is roughly 50-50.
- The people who buy Gunpla can be largely divided into two groups: 14-year-olds who purchase them because of their interest in the newest Gundam on TV and 35-year-olds who've been fans since First Gundam. Gunpla has been particularly sustained by the latter.
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