my colleague wedding on saturday leh...Originally posted by coolger03:wah! buy new shirt for the outing?
my dear dear got such big mian zi...
so qiao?Originally posted by kopiosatu:my colleague wedding on saturday leh...
somemore one of the 'brothers'
have to buy new shirt la. my old one throw away liao...
will i see 3 jokers?Originally posted by joker105:can i ask my clones 2 come...???![]()
dun tell me same char bor.Originally posted by browniebaobao:so qiao?
my dear's fren also getting married this Sat.
i duno..Originally posted by kopiosatu:dun tell me same char bor.
i dun even know who's your dearOriginally posted by browniebaobao:i duno..
see whether u bump into my dear that day lor.![]()
my dear is the one who called me dear dear..Originally posted by kopiosatu:i dun even know who's your dear
okie noted~!Originally posted by papercut87:brownie jiejie! sorrie for mia-ing.. been really bz with sch lately~ i cant go for the outing ba.. need to go sch.. boo.. hahazhave fun peeps...
u in sg meh?Originally posted by SpeedStar:Anyway sibei tempted to go but i watch it liao leh...haha![]()
so u and Aaron not gg ma?Originally posted by Patrik:Tml is also Aaron's ord date.![]()
booked le.Originally posted by joker105:so where r we goin???
n r we there yet???![]()
joker no hp how 2 receive sms...???Originally posted by browniebaobao:booked le.
u never receive my sms ma?
then was it a ghost who replied my smses juz now?Originally posted by joker105:joker no hp how 2 receive sms...???![]()
Originally posted by the Bear:no violence was seen..
bbb, thanks for the organisation and tickets.. the movie was great.. too bad we didn't speak much
but then, i was too busy eating.. we were hungry...
Club 30 was represented by kopi and i who did Club Gluttony proud...
being friday i could not partake when we went to Carl's Jr coz we were famished... kopi had a hugeass burger, fries and 2 helping of drinks..
i had a choc fudge cheesecake and a blueberry cheesecake.. and a thick shake.. their thick shake is good stuff
then we went to meet bbb and the rest.. kopi had some fishball noodles and i had some fried prawn noodles..
resisted buying popcorn and nachos.. left the cinema hungry but then, i'm on a diet
the movie was very funny.. highly recommended.. some bits, i think only a few caught the gags.. and some unintentional gags with kopi and bassie
"you gotta use more soap"